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Writing an article critique requires students to read, analyze, and evaluate a certain research article, literary article, or essay. Regardless of a major, a student is very likely to receive such a task. Professors love to assign it because it is great for developing critical thinking, but students rarely know how to write an article critique well. Papers often end up being the summary of an article under consideration, and a student gets an F. If you have little to no experience with article critiques and need help to cope with one, you can rely on

We are an online writing company that offers writing assistance by connecting students in need of help and academic writers. Thanks to many years of experience and a truly professional team, we can provide you with high-quality article critique help and numerous guarantees to make sure you feel safe cooperating with us. If you cannot push the thought like “I do want to write my article critique” out of your mind, it is time you place an order with


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What Is a Research Article Critique?

An article critique is a paper in which a student has to analyze a given article objectively. Although any article may be critiqued, in the academic setting, a journal article critique is the most common. The purpose of the task is twofold. First, a student has to report the ideas of the article to demonstrate their understanding of the subject. Second, the student needs to evaluate the source by analyzing, interpreting, and building on it. There are peculiarities as to how to critique a journal article. Professors expect students to show informed engagement by:

  • Demonstrating knowledge of the topic and discipline.
  • Interacting with concepts and theories.
  • Extending or rethinking the ideas presented in the article.
  • Researching information to provide an informed evaluation.
  • Showing an understanding of the bigger picture when it comes to the topic.

Although it is difficult to find a decent article critique example, we suggest you analyze one to get a better understanding of what this paper should be like.

A Structure to Use When Writing an Article Critique

Before we discuss how to critique an article, let us have a look at the structure it should have. These are the elements that it should contain: 




An introduction should present the article of interest. It should include the author’s name, title of the article, publication date, and source. Also, a student has to introduce the main arguments of the piece.

Thesis statement

An article critique requires a thesis statement. This sentence should sum up the results of a student’s evaluation of the piece.


The body of a critique always starts with the summary of the article. This part of the body should cover the main argument, supporting arguments, and the type of evidence used to back them up. This paragraph should show a student’s understanding of the content and provide the overall overview of the piece.


Here, one has to evaluate how adequate supporting arguments and evidence are. A student should pay attention to their relevance, credibility, strengths, weaknesses, etc. It is important to address whether the amount of evidence is sufficient. Also, it is crucial to highlight biases if any.


As usual, this section reiterates the thesis statement of the critique and summarizes its key points. Here, a student should provide their final thoughts on the piece and its impact on the field of study.  

Once again, we recommend studying a good article critique example and trying to identify all these elements in it. If you cannot find a decent sample article critique, you can order a custom paper at and learn from it without the risk of missing a deadline.

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How to Write an Article Critique

Now, let us get down to how to write an article critique and which writing steps to follow. But first, we want to remind you that this paper is not about criticizing but rather critiquing. The latter means “evaluating.” As you read the article and write your paper, you need to pay attention to both the positive and negative sides of the research article. With this thought in mind, check out the steps of writing an article critique.

Step 1: Read and Take Notes

Writing starts with reading. Read an article for the first time to get the gist of the piece. Look up unfamiliar terms or concepts if any. Then, read for the second time and take notes about the key points. Reading more than once makes sure you have not missed any crucial pieces of information. Consider the quality of evidence and the quality of sources used. Pay attention to the credentials of an author.


Step 2: Engage with the Main Argument

While reading, underline the main argument, supporting arguments, and the evidence in the piece. Pay attention to how effective and thorough the support is. Think about what else you know about the topic and dive into books if necessary. It is important to find out what type of information was used in other research works and understand how the analysis and design of current research compare to those that other teams used in the past. Analyzing the article in the wider context is a crucial step as to how to critique an article well.


Step 3: Delve Deeper into the Critique

Once you are done with reading, taking notes, and collecting evidence, proceed to analyze the paper in-depth. The easiest way to do it is to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the purpose of the article clear?
  2. Is all evidence relevant to the argument and up-to-date?
  3. Are interpretations of the findings and/or evidence accurate?
  4. Are the sources used credible, up-to-date, and relevant?
  5. Is there any bias in the paper?
  6. Is any information redundant? Is there any data missing?
  7. Is the article’s organization clear?
  8. Are there any factual mistakes?
  9. Is an abstract representative of the article?
  10. Are the methods used appropriate for the research issue?
  11. Did the author manage to reach their goal?

Answering these questions enables you to make up your mind about the piece under analysis and choose the key aspects that you will address in your critique. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and they may vary depending on article critique topics.


Step 4: Create an Outline and Write a Draft

By now, you should have enough material and ideas to create a detailed outline of the critique and proceed to writing it. You should follow the structure described above and include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Typically, one paragraph is enough for the summary. The rest of the body should be devoted to various aspects of the analysis.


Step 5: Edit Your Piece

Writing an article critique is not over once you are through with the draft. We recommend taking a break and restarting work on the piece in a bit. You will notice issues that need fixing. Pay attention to the organization of ideas, syntax, word choice, spelling, and punctuation. Add or remove information as needed. Do not be afraid of changing things at this point. Finally, make sure you use a correct APA article critique format or that of any other formatting style.


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How to Write an Article Critique in APA Format

Proper formatting is crucial in academic writing. You should know how to apply the style that is commonly used in your college or university. Here, we will have a closer at how to write an article critique in APA format since it is the most widespread one. These are the aspects to pay attention to:

  • Title page. All APA papers start with a cover page that includes the title of the paper, a student’s name, class, course, professor’s name, and date of submission. Page numbers start at the title page.
  • General format. In an APA paper, margins should be set at 1 inch on each side. There is a need for double spacing and 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman. The text should be flushed to the right. Each paragraph needs to be indented by half an inch.
  • In-text citations. In-text citations in APA consist of the author’s name and a year in brackets, e.g., (Johnson, 2023).
  • References. Sources used in the critique should be listed in alphabetical order on a separate page of the paper. The page should be titled References. Each entry should contain an author’s name, title of the work, year of publication, and publication details.

You might want to check out an APA article critique example to see what the piece should look like. If you cannot find one, you can use formatting services from the experts of

How Do I Write My Article Critique Well? Use This Checklist

If you are not sure whether you have written a good critique, use can use the following checklist to verify whether your paper meets academic standards:

  1. It presents an article and its author in the introduction.
  2. It has a strong thesis statement that sums up the results of the article analysis.
  3. There are the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  4. The summary of the article is concise, accurate, and much shorter than the analysis section.
  5. The analysis covers the quality of supporting arguments and evidence.
  6. The analysis checks the credibility of the author, as well as the sources that they use.
  7. Every claim is objective and backed up with evidence and examples.
  8. The conclusion contains comments on the impact of the article.
  9. There are no grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.
  10. It contains all in-text citations and references that are formatted according to a given formatting style.

If you do not have enough time or motivation to create a paper that checks all the boxes, you can use the expert help of

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Not Sure How to Write an Article Critique? Get Professional Help

Students often wonder, “Who am I to judge someone else’s work and write my article critique about them?” Indeed, this assignment is outside many students’ comfort zone. If you too have trouble coping with the task, delegate it to the experts of Our team has vast experience in helping students with their academic hardships, including article critique writing. Every writer we hire is a professional in academic writing and holds a degree. Our experts know how to write an article critique well, work with all sorts of article critique topics, apply the required formatting style correctly, and possess relevant writing and analytical thinking skills. With, your paper and grade are in safe hands.

Benefits of Hiring Our Article Critique Writers

If you choose to buy a journal article critique at, you can count on a variety of benefits from us.

Affordable Rates

We have affordable and transparent rates that start with $12.99 per page. The price depends on the paper’s length, academic level, and deadline. You can save by giving us more time for writing. Also, we provide regular discounts and offers.

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Free Formatting of the Paper

Our article critique writers provide a paper that is formatted according to the latest guidelines of a chosen formatting style. And this service is free of charge if you order a custom article critique at APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, you name it… This benefit is available for all formatting styles.

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The Guarantees of High-Quality Article Critique Writing Service

We want all our customers to feel safe when ordering from us. That is why we give them the following quality guarantees:

  • 24/7 support. Our support agents will respond to your message in live chat or via phone/email at any time. You will not have to deal with any concerns that you might have on your own.
  • Timely delivery. The writer will work on your order and finish it according to the set deadline. We are never late with papers, and your piece will not be an exception.
  • No plagiarism. The content of your order will be original and created for you from scratch. Once ready, it will be scanned for plagiarism too.
  • A free revision. You can ask for a free revision within 2 days after the deadline expiration. The revision instructions should remain the same as the initial ones.
  • Money-back guarantee. If we fail your assignment, which is unlikely, you can apply for a refund according to our Refund policy. If your claim is valid, you will get your money back.

How to Get Article Critique Help


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How to Buy an Article Critique from Us

Here is how you can buy an article critique at 

  1. Look for the “Order now” tab and fill in an order form. You need to provide all the requirements for your paper. Attach an article for the critique too.
  2. Pay for the order. Choose the most comfortable payment method available on our website. We work with reliable payment systems only. After payment verification, we will assign a writer who is qualified in your topic and subject to work on your piece.
  3. Track the order’s progress and talk to your writer if you want to. These options are available in your profile on our website.
  4. Once the paper is ready, we check it for plagiarism.
  5. As soon as the deadline is over, you can download your critique in your profile on our website.

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We Know How to Write an Article Critique for You

Article critiques involve a lot of work on a student’s side, and it will take a lot of effort, patience, and time to meet the academic criteria for a high-quality piece. If you lack the time or energy to do your best, let us do it. The team of is ready to create a top-grade critique, deliver it on time, and meet all the requirements that your professor sets. We guarantee original writing, 24/7 support, and free revision. Place an order now and profit from our affordable rates.


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