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Description of the Results

Description of the Results Presented and the Way They Contribute to the Authors’ Conclusions

This paper aims to affirm the validity of the thesis statement that a problem of antibiotic resistance is an aspect that is quite insurmountable. This has been pointed out in the way that the results have been presented as well as carrying out of different researches that closely relate to the subject. The authors have conducted the lexA mutagenesis to clarify the specificity of all the determinants of the substrate. The experiment suggests that numerous residues in the loop of the cleavage usually make necessary detection interactions. On the other hand, the remaining determinants of specificity get implicated in the facilitation of lexA's conformational change. The process of stabilizing of beta-turn in the loop of cleavage usually speeds up self-cleavage, and this suggests that little repetitive peptides can be tracted inhibitors at the starting points of inhibitors. Despite the availability of structural snapshots, lexA's conformational dynamics fails to elucidate and in the long run the interface of lexA-recA is characterized poorly in spite of the dedicated efforts that surround it (Culyba, Mo, & Kohli, 2015). This means that it is crucial to conduct further studies that will lead to a proper understanding of the necessary components of the recA-induced lexA catalysis that will assist in driving the detection of all possible inhibitors of SOS (Isaacs & Andresen, 2013).


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In targeting the process of gene transfer, the authors found out that the transfer of genes is a mechanism that is very efficient and allows bacteria to undergo evolution and adaption; moreover, the procedure results to a situation whereby there is enormous distribution of antibiotic confrontational genes among various bacterial species. The evolution and adaptation of the bacteria enhances a proper balance between the conditions that surround the research. This means that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) occurs in various situations that range from serious care units from the soil in different hospitals to the individual microbiome (Culyba et al., 2015). This is crucial in the conclusion of the authors that the medical magnitude of HGT is usually stressed with models such as distribution of carbapenem-resistant genus (Isaacs & Andresen, 2013). This suggests that there is the occurrence of HGT within the microbiome of the patient.

The results that are presented about DNA transport demonstrate that a molecule must cross lipid membranes in order to enhance the DNA molecule transfer between bacteria. The large multiprotein molecular machines for natural competency, conjugation as well as transduction usually allow DNA to shuttle and represent potential targets for preventing the spread of resistance determinants (Culyba et al., 2015). This fact leads to the authors' conclusion that there are gaps in basic science knowledge concerning the manner in which clinical viability of targeting evolution is assessed (Spellberg, Bartlett, & Gilbert, 2013). There are various studies that have begun to look at the transmission events that occur in patients who are in hospitals and the molecular relationship between the genes that are found in human pathogens as well as the environment.

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All these findings are a strong basis for the support of the authors' conclusion that the problem of antibiotic resistance is an aspect that is quite insurmountable. However, there is still the fact that bridging of gaps in human knowledge promises to unmask great opportunities to use. This means that the scale of such a clinical problem calls for new innovative approaches to all antibacterials. The type of knowledge that is needed concerns relevant ecosystem and pathogen, and it would be related to the kinetics of all biochemical steps that are in evolution in relation to adaptation to antibiotics. This will also provide a platform for future researches on this topic.



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