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Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking skills are extremely significant for professionals from any sphere of practical life because every branch of specialization includes communicational dimensions. Thus, the development of public speaking skills is a significant part of the professional progress. Having a wish to realize myself in the sphere of international business, I understand the necessity and a role of such skills in supporting the leadership, business ethics, communication of administrative messages, and solving difficult working situations.

Firstly, the work in the international business field requires a high level of speaking skills so as to organize a lot of subordinates in the most efficient way. If I have an opportunity to head an international organization, I will not deal with the small groups of workers. On the contrary, my task will be the management of different groups of interest and suggesting the most beneficial and unified way for company’s development. Among the instruments to realize this aim are panel discussions, description of the general and specific purposes of the company, strategic organization of the problem-solving small group and communication of the messages to the co-workers and others.


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Secondly, working in a business company, I will need to make many reports and performances. In order to make the reports efficiently and successfully it is necessary for me to know the principles of their structuring and organization. For example, if I want to make an informative speech on a particular topic, I have to know the chronological order of its parts that are the introduction, which has to include the preview statement of the speech, body and conclusion. Thus, only with the help of logical ordering of the speech, it is possible to reveal its central idea and justify its main points.

Finally, so as to become a leader it is important to feel the public. That means that it is significant to consider the audience, whose reactions and critical thinking have to define the concept of the speech. The feedback from others is significant for a leader in order to understand the plans and wishes of the audience. To reach such an effect it is necessary for me to learn how to keep an eye contact with the listeners, use specific gestures, visual framework, examples and metaphors. Therefore, such social interaction, thus, has to change the communicational patterns that can suit the purpose of persuasion the best. In my opinion, different types of audiences need distinct means of communication of the meaning. Thus, there are varieties of possible ways to come to the consensus, which is the ultimate goal of communication in general and in business organizations in particular.

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Moreover, public speaking skills are important not only for a leader to be able to inform others, but also to persuade and motivate people to work better. Without any doubt, it is necessary to be able to pose questions, formulate the needs of the organization and respond to the complaints. Without such practical abilities, it is impossible to realize the business goals. That means, I will have to apply the public speaking skills not only to prepare and perform the reports and speeches but also in person (for example, by interviewing people) or on the phone conversations so as to solve some local or global problems. The ways I will choose as the most profitable will be the questions of policy. In such situations, I will have to use the reflective-thinking method, which can help me to stabilize the working process and support my leadership.

To sum up, although public speaking skills are significant for all occupations, which always deal with the public communication, I perceive such skills to be the most important in a profession of a head of the business organization or corporation. On this position, a leader has to cope with misunderstanding, challenges of development and at the same time be active in motivating workers and encouraging them for better results. Furthermore, for a leader of the company it is significant to know how to make a speech because with the help of the public performances the head of the company can win respect, explain the general tasks and strategy of the organization and inspire co-workers.



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