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The Pizza Case

Business development is a complex task, which may be challenging for every business leader. In fact, it is important to take the difficulties as an advantage and use them for the most beneficial outcome. The following discussion is a reflection of a case that involves a food service company BSB, Inc. In particular, the paper discusses the answers to the questions following the case and represents business knowledge and experience.

In order to describe the mission of BSB, Inc., it is essential to think about the company’s services at the university and its campus. As long as the company had three food services at the presented area, it was obvious that the it strived to create a monopolistic business network. The remoteness of the university was a competitive advantage, which allowed to create a personal demand and supply trends. In fact, the threat of entrance of bigger competitors influenced the performance of the company and its manager Renee Kershaw in particular. As a result, it is possible to admit that the mission of BSB, Inc. was to be a single leader in the field of food services and formulate specific trends of supply and demand in the most beneficial way.


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The main competitive advantage used by Kershaw in the perspective of pizza production was quick delivery and the most affordable price for students. The cost-saving technique employed by the manager helped to take care of the sustainability of the eatery. Nevertheless, with time it became obvious that Kershaw’s approach was not effective enough for further development of the business. It means that the main competitive advantage of BSB, Inc. consisted in the availability of the most desired product, which could be delivered to any room within a few minutes. In addition, the main competitive priority of Kershaw lied in having access to the customers’ tastes and needs and the ability to satisfy them immediately.

The presence of the new food court is most likely to destroy the pizza business of Kershaw. Pizza Hut is a powerful competitor with an outstanding reputation among customers. It means that BSB, Inc. needs to refocus its performance and choose new perspectives of the activity. It is important to take care of the development of pizza business and its promotion. The university should be willing to take the advantage of the familiar food service rather than choosing a new food court as well. In fact, it is a difficult task, which should be accompanied by unique food offerings, special sales and discounts for the delivery of large amounts of pizza, and a specific marketing strategy.

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As long as the competition is a driving force of food court business, Kershaw should have been prepared for the situation when a new company is willing to take the territory of the university. In case she decides to change her competitive priorities, it will be necessary to expect the operating process of her business to transform. First, Kershaw will need to focus on the diversification of processes and food offerings. It will also be essential to increase the capacity of products. Otherwise, it may be hardly possible to compete with an experienced competitor. A continuous technological upgrade is also crucial to the improvement of the company’s operations.

In order to meet the food court competition, Kershaw needs to learn how to listen to the needs of customers and optimize the performance of the company in an appropriate way. In addition, it is essential to understand the customer’s desire to purchase more. BSB, Inc. should be ready to increase its capacity. Further, Kershaw needs to learn more about customer’s tastes and needs by collecting feedback and conducting surveys (Al Ariss & Sidani, 2016). Finally, a continuous improvement of the marketing strategy full of thematic advertisements will fill the company’s activity with an effective approach towards clients attraction.

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In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the case proved that business management is a complex problem, which requires patience and thoughtful response. The researched problems of BSB, Inc. can find their successful resolution in case of a wise decision-making process. The competition should not be accepted as a problem capable of destroying the business. It needs to be perceived as a challenge that can make the company stronger.



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