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Cancer and Heart Diseases

Nowadays, such illnesses as cancer and heart diseases remain among the main causes of death. For example, according to the World Health Association, in 2008, deaths caused by non-contagious diseases, namely heart diseases, cancer, stroke, diabetes, etc., made sixty three percent of global deaths (“Advances in Cancer Treatment” n.pag.). For many years scientists have been dedicating their lives to finding cures for these terrible ailments.

Tremendous progress has been made in both diagnosing and treating cancer during the last thirty years. Finally, it increased survival rates and decreased morbidity rates. Whereas in 1975, the five-year surviving among cancer patients made fifty percent, now it has risen to sixty eight averages and up to eighty with some types of cancer (“Advances in Cancer Treatment” n.pag.). One of the most important achievements is the increase of people’s awareness of factors causing cancer, such as smoking. Diagnosing cancer at earlier stages facilitates treatment. As for the principal methods of treating cancer, it is essential to mention the following achievements. For example, combination chemotherapy and treatment supportive therapies lessen the side-effects of chemotherapy. New developments in radiation therapy allow affecting radiation cancer cells without hurting healthy cells. Finally, targeted therapies that include such medications as Imatinib, Bevacizumab, Bortezomib and Sunitinib are aimed against molecular mechanisms causing cancer. They are more effective and less harmful than chemotherapy.


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Advanced studies of heart disease and stroke have been carried out during the twentieth century in the US. Major developments significantly decreasing the death rate are related to the field of prevention of heart disease and promotion of cardial health. The decreased number of smokers in the US can serve as an example of these measures. New medications for treating hypercholesterolemia have been developed as well as new methods of heart disease diagnosis. All the above contributes to the dramatic decrease in death rates caused by heart disease.

Thus, it can be seen that advances in preventing, diagnosing and treating both cancer and heart disease lead to the decreased mortality rates.



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