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The Effects of Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare

An electronic medical record (EMR) is a version of a digital paper chart that contains medical history of a patient and the treatment history from one practice. It is often used in healthcare to carry out the duties of the healthcare practitioner. The main benefits of implementing EMRs by occupational physicians are improvement of the medical care quality, facilitation of access to patient’s data, increased information security, possibility of renaming data fields, information accuracy, use of alerts and notifications, reports that cover medical practice, and precise task execution (Triff et al, 2010). Therefore, EMR has numerous effects on healthcare related to the improved access to clinical data, easy data processing and analysis, elimination of errors, data duplication and risks, as well as increased efficiency of healthcare services.

Nowadays, an EMR is considered to be one of the best practices that help to successfully treat patient’s illnesses, increase information safety, and improve the efficiency of a practice. Moreover, it is an easy and comfortable was of medication prescription. The EMR system aims at creating a complete patient-centered view in the sphere of communication technology and heterogeneous information. An EMR influences different areas in healthcare including messaging standards, both clinical and medical terminology, as well as architecture standards.


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Greater effectiveness and efficiency of treatment is ensured through monitoring and thorough analysis of patient’s data. Nowadays, EMR has gained a growing international recognition partly because it is possible to make records through workstations and different mobile devices. In addition, EMR enables to monitor clinical changes and patient related events by analyzing data provided by the system. Therefore, it has become possible to predict, detect, and prevent a number of diseases and adverse events. Hence, EMR enables healthcare practices to save laboratory results, discharge orders, pharmacy orders, radiology results, and other notes that may be used in the future. In addition, it contains the information about clinical decisions and delivery of healthcare service in the electronic form.

To ensure effective treatment, healthcare practitioners require access to archives of patient’s information. EMR contains information about treatment, diagnosis, medication management, and decisions and enables communication with external organizations. Therefore, the system provides access to all standard clinical and medical information that is gathered in the office of one provider and if necessary, share it among several providers. The process of record keeping has become more accurate, easier, and more efficient with the help of EMRs. In addition, doctors or other medical providers can easily navigate the record through patient’s charts and record notes.

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In some cases, healthcare practices need records in different locations. However, EMRs may be stored in numerous practices and accessed by numerous healthcare providers at any time. The system of electronic records makes it easy to standardize terminology, forms, abbreviations, and data input. In addition, the system of electronic medical records is a good way to improve resource management, service quality, and disease surveillance. It has been proven that EMR increases security of medical information (Triff et al, 2010).

Rapid pace of modern life requires modernization of different spheres of people’s life. It means that all services should be improved to ensure safety and high quality. The information is continuously updated and may be retrieved immediately after filling the EMR. The system enables providers to track data, monitor patient’s parameters including blood tests and blood pressure, and identify different patient categories to improve the healthcare quality. If necessary, the information stored in the EMR system may be printed and sent to care team members or other specialists.

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EMRs are beneficial to healthcare as they support decision making, reduce medical errors and risks, optimize healthcare delivery processes, improve the outcomes of patients’ health, provide access to medical information ensuring good clinical results, as well as help to develop clinical guidelines. The system of EMRs stores information for a long period of time providing an opportunity to trace the changes in the patient’s health during the whole life. Hence, EMR enables to track and view dangerous medical trends in clear graphs allowing effective analysis of patient’s improvements.

EMR has substantially reduces costs and increased financial profit of healthcare providers. In addition, the system provides numerous benefits in the sphere of doctor-patient communication relationship enabling to give more affirmative than negative responders in undecided and unclear cases. EMR has enhanced doctor-patient communication with the help of a centrally-located response frequency (Triff et al, 2010).

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Healthcare practitioners spend much time on charting and analyzing clinical data. EMR is a good way to support the collection and dissemination of valuable information. Moreover, it assists in professional decision making decreasing the time spent on charting and data analysis. In addition, the system reduces the number of charting errors and increases the effectiveness of healthcare providers. It has become easier to coordinate the care of patients with other departments. It enables quick detection of medication errors, ensures, the timeliness of referrals, and increases the ability to act on test results in a timely manner. The system of EMR has resulted in improved sensitivity and attention to the requirements and needs of community clinicians who seek to adopt it for their practices.

One of the problems that many patients and healthcare providers face is illegible handwriting. EMR completely eliminates this problem and prevents patient from giving the same information for several times. Healthcare practices benefit from EMR as they get an opportunity to transfer data from one department to another in a short period of time increasing a daily number of attended patients. An improved bottom line ensures quick and efficient processing of patient’s data.

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EMR tends to improve healthcare coordination. Availability of medical history, personal data, and charts of a patient reduces and even eliminates the issues related to visiting multiple specialists, guessing histories, and data transitions. Moreover, the EMR system helps healthcare providers to identify the missing information, have better access to test results, and offer professional and evidence-based recommendations.



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