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The History of Knowledge Development in Nursing

Nursing applies specific methods and traditional nursing plans meant to direct how caring for patients is achieved. There are many historical depictions showing nurses in the process of using the traditional nursing programs. There are many traditional ideas. However, often a nursing team or a nurse herself may choose a particular plan to work with. The examination of nursing team activities depicted in historical photographs may be used to determine the patterns of knowing nurses apply in the course of their duty. Nursing is practiced under some traditional plans or process formats and in all these cases, the knowledge and application of patterns of knowing is an essential component of nursing care.

The photograph Camp Service depicted below is a representation of the work of the nurses affiliated with the Red Cross in the United States of America. The effect that the sailors, soldiers, and marines received help from the camp service was made possible through the provision of needed materials and services to those who needed this care the most. To be able to do this, these nurses used many strategies for determining the service to offer and how to do it (Zolnierek, 2014). It was even made possible through the application of the patterns of nursing knowing as one of the traditional nursing plans. As is observed in the photography, there was a need to apply all the five patterns of knowing in the care given to the soldiers, marines, or sailors. It can be explained by the fact that they were different people from various backgrounds and whose conditions were a result of differing causes. Therefore, it is prudent to examine the photo and determine the patterns.


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The nursing team applied personal knowing for the people in need. It implies having a perfect knowledge of self as the nurse. It also could involve an understanding of the patient’s personal status. It is meant to increase the personal awareness of what a nurse has confidence in and is capable of doing. The photograph depicts a situation where the nurse would need to be aware of their fears, as well as their confidence, to be able to identify the issues to deal with (Zolnierek, 2014). The effect of self-awareness is that it makes the nurse be in a position to approach the issue knowingly and with awareness of the areas to avoid treading. Such matters would need to be effective in the nurse’s psychology. Hence, the nurses here, upon knowing which areas they are confident with, would deal with such area. Those nurses, who are good at dressing wounds, help in that, whereas the ones, who are good at providing tender care, assisted in this field.

Considering the personal knowing in the sense of considering the patient, its pattern was applied here to ensure that the personal issues affecting the individual soldiers got addressed (Zolnierek, 2014). Its result is a better and a knowledgeable service to the soldiers, entirely done from a point of information received.

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The other pattern of knowing observed here is the empiric model of understanding. It implies the science of nursing or rather what has been proven to work. The nurse here applied the researched and believed methods of nursing care that had been determined to be operating in the days. For example, assuming that the person in the wheelchair had dressed wounds, their covering was a determined method that would protect them from further injuries or contamination. Therefore, a proper level of nursing care ensured that the victims were well taken care of (Parahoo, 2014). The nurses also provided the patients with the required basic needs as it proofed to be a way of making things work for the patients. Proper feed is considered an effective way to a better recovery. Hence, there was a need to provide food stuff to the camps. Furthermore, there was an application of scientific method (Zolnierek, 2014).

The aesthetic knowing was also applied here in the sense that the art of nursing was genuinely used. The methods believed to provide comfort and quick recovery were used. The ability to practice nursing using specified methods enabled the healing to be possible (Parahoo, 2014). The photograph depicts a situation whereby nursing is considered to happen in a specific way. For example, how the person is made to assume a specific posture in the wheelchair and how the person is well covered and provided for also determines their rate of recovery. Hence, the nurses had to put into aesthetic practice knowing, which is having the art of nursing (Parahoo, 2014). The use of recreation in the nursing camp can be considered to be one of the healing techniques being applied by the nurses.

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The good nursing was implemented to ensure that the right things reached to the patients. Therefore, it was paramount to make sure that the provided care was ethical and acceptable. What it guarantees was done without contravening the norms of the American people. Again, it was done while considering the patients’ thought on the same. Furthermore, the emancipatory knowing helped the nurses to know the causes of the issues that the soldiers, sailors, and marines were suffering from (Parahoo, 2014). The implication of this is the nurses sought to understand the reasons for the injury or patients’ sickness to ensure to trace back the cause and come up with a care plan or method. The emancipatory knowing helped the nurses to understand the possibility of the disease the patient was suffering from being a result of some other factor. As a result, it was helpful for the nurses to have knowledge of the previous injury. For example, referring to the victim on crutches, the nurse ought to have known what led to the loss of the leg before deciding the fitness of the patient for the crutch.

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Nursing often applies a typical nursing plan that is used primarily, far, and wide in the medical and nursing care facilities. There are some nursing care plans and process formats that may be applied. The best nursing plans should be able to exhibit all the patterns of knowing as used in nursing care. For this reason, a modification is done to most nursing programs and processes to allow them to adopt the nursing methods thoroughly.

An example of such a nursing process is one that involves assessment, diagnosis, outcome and planning, implementation, and the evaluation of the nursing care provided. Such a nursing care can be studied to determine how well the plan provides for all the patterns of knowing. In such an instance, the whole process aims at determining how effective the actions taken about each of these stages of the process are effective.

During the assessment phase, the nurse should apply the personal and emancipatory knowing to determine the conditions the patient prefers. It will also define the patient’s position regarding their esteem and awareness of the disease. It helps in boosting the trust the patient has in the hospitals and on the nurse for that matter. The latter should also evaluate themselves to ensure they are in the position to serve the patient. The empiric knowing can also help the nurse in making the right diagnosis since the assessment is going to be done the right way (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson 2015).

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Furthermore, during the diagnosis stage, the pattern of knowing applied is the empiric knowing that provides efficient and scientific means of diagnosis. The result of using scientifically trustworthy diagnosis methods allows the nurse to get the right care to offer the patient. Moreover, the nurse can also consider using emancipatory knowing to establish the likelihood of the patient suffering from a particular disease or one related to one in the patients’ medical history (Parahoo, 2014).

Outcomes and planning stage are one that can be established by using the empiric knowing. The planning on the way forward after getting the results of a diagnosis dictates the use of scientific methods to measure the outcomes’ truthfulness. It can be done basing on data and previous researches. The use of personal knowing helps the nurse to use prior knowledge to evaluate the outcome (DiCenso, Guyatt, & Ciliska, 2005).

During implementation, there are some considerations made into the patterns of knowing. The aesthetic knowing will enable the nurses do it based on the art of nursing known (Butts, Bandhauer, & Rich, 2015). Empiric knowing makes the nurses implement plans based on the determined scientific methods put in place. Care should also be provided with the right knowing in mind, hence upholding personal decisions mutual respect. Finally, as the evaluation of the care is done, the need to examine the emancipatory effect of the disease, the ethical aspect, as well as the personal aspect, is considered. Furthermore, the patient’s improvement can be determined using the empiric method (Chinn & Kramer, 2013).

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Finally, by using the nursing process format actually, nursing care is made to be useful. Improvement is possible by making sure the process includes all the patterns of knowing. The modification of the plan, therefore, becomes necessary, and close attention is paid to the scheme structure as well as patterns applicability to the patient.



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