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Anthropology essay

Myers, F 1988 Burning the truck and holding the country: property, time and the negotiation of identity among Pintupi Aborigines, In Barnard A and Woodburn J ed.s Hunters and Gatherers, Vol 2, Property, Power and Ideology. The chapter discusses ...

Death essay

The long history of the mankind suggests thinking that there are much more dead people in the past than alive in the present. We have grown up hearing about great personalities, which have changed the world: Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, ...

Death and Dying essay

Living in a diverse world is a very enjoyable thing. However, it is important to be able to enjoy the diversity of the world and the people around you. Once one has obtained this skill, and has stopped judging everything that stands out of the ...

Deontology essay

I think that Ross's deontological view is better than particularism. The starting point is about differences between these ethical theories. Deontology is focused on adherence to independent moral rules or duties, while particularism is based on the ...

Philosophy of Animal Rights essay

Animals exist at the border line of the human moral perception due to many reasons. At times they are assigned a rational moral status, while sometimes animals are denied decent handling and are beyond the ethic frames. The animal philosophy is ...

Pushing the Button - Social Responsibility or Personal Weakness? essay

A breathtaking dilemma is placed by the Joker before the people are swimming in two boats! A dilemma, which being solved, will probably show the nature of the humankind and its moral image, so to say. Being a very evil man, Joker, driven by the ...

Same Sex Marriages essay

Nowadays same sex couples do not impress society anymore. These couples may not be afraid to express their feelings for sex minorities are tolerated. More and more countries nowadays adopt laws that allow same sex marriages. These include Argentina, ...

The Belief in Nihilism and Religion essay

1. Human beings have ethical obligation to others in the society. Human beings have to live a moral life to have good relationship with others. There is freedom of choice of what is right and wrong, and that freedom is limited when it does not ...

Virtue Ethics essay

Life consists of choices. Every time we make one, the question pops out in the head: did I do right or wrong? Was it a good or a bad choice? Life does not have wrong choices. In general, a choice is both right and wrong at the same time in relation ...
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