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Crisis in Ukraine essay

Introduction Today, Ukraine faces the main enemy of its freedom that is embodied in Kremlin authoritarianism, which unleashed unprecedented all-out war against Ukraine after the defeat of Yanukovych regime. Contemporary situation in Ukraine can be ...

Final 2: Democracy essay

Introduction Democracy is a form of government that promotes the respect for human rights. It presupposes that all people are involved in the state affairs. The term comes from the times of ancient Greece and means “simple people’s ...

International Relations: Theories and the State essay

Introduction The role of the state in international relations is highlighted differently, depending on the theory exploring this concept. Different theoretical ideas seek to explain the connection between the power of the state, its politics, and ...

Research Essay essay

In utopian or dystopian kinds of governance, there is a strange mixture of repression and freedom. Utopian politics uses a democratic government with people being represented by two levels of public officials. The higher level of governance is ...

Western Point of View: Political and Strategical Analysis of Syria Case Study essay

1.0 Introduction The Syrian crisis has threatened to destabilize the region, hence attracting the concerns of different Western countries (Blanchard, Humud & Nikitin 2015). Both the United States and European countries have been in the fire ...
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