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Social Psychology Assignment


The growth of social psychology took place mostly during the past six decades. As the part of psychological science, social psychology focuses on how one reacts to social incentives, while from sociological point of view it emphasises the groups or communal changable factors like socioeconomic status, social characters, and cultural standards. The paper illustrates how social psychology grew from the coming of age era and continued to get established in the rapid expansion era. It clarifies different scientists and their speculative ideologies and how they helped neutralize oppressive conditions and bring progressive change. The paper also highlights different scientific ideologies and how they are interconnected to human social behavior.

Main Part

The Coming of Age: 1936-1945

During the coming of age era the growing science of social psychology stretched the boudaries of its studying and research, and there arose some major scientists who developed different theories and assessments, including Allport. Allport’s analysis of social psychology emphasized fundamental research during the first three decades of the twentieth century. The study got characterized with little deliberation given to addressing precise collective problems or broader issues bearing on improvement.


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By the mid-1930s, however, the discipline was ready for more development and increase. The immense despair in the United States and the social and political upheavals in Europe were caused by the World Wars. The events had especially significant impact on social psychology at this vital moment in its history. Many psychologists were incapable of finding or holding jobs due to the 1929 stock market collapse. The majority adopted the freethinking ethics of Roosevelt "New Dealers" or the more essential left-wing political views of the collective and communist parties. These factors were influenced by the direct experience of communal forces impact.

An association devoted to the scientific study of significant collective issues and the support for progressive mutual action was formed in 1936. The organization became recognized as the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), comprising several social psychologists concerned whith applying their lately developed presumptions and political activism to real-world difficulties. The inclusion of principles and standards into the discussion of social life was and still continues to be one of the main contributions of SPSSI to opinionated activism regarding real-world troubles. Infusing a more practical character to the study was the association’s immediate impact on social psychology in the 1930s. Intergroup relations, management, misinformation, governmental behavior, appointment behavior, and customer behavior became the latest areas of study in this decade.

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The actions in other countries of the world caused changes of American social psychology in comparison to its scientific cousins abroad (Milgram, 1974, p.19). The Russian uprising led to the eradication of individualistic-oriented study and theorizing. The issue was an improvement that was different from the growing focus on the personality within American social psychology. The Soviet Union's Communist Party cautioned against the application of psychological tests in the diverse applied setting in 1936 thus barring the study of distinct differences. A strong anti-intellectual and anti-Semitic environment in Spain, Italy, and Germany became created by the growth of despotism. Some Europe's leading scientists like Fritz Heider, Gustav Ichheiser, Kurt Lewin, and Theodor Adorno escaped the harassment by migrating to America.

Rapid Expansion Years

The growing science of social psychology extended its studying and research base in rapid expansion years, influenced by the infusion of European scholars and newly trained young American social psychologists. Theodor Adorno and his colleagues discussed the psychological factors of the dictatorial character with an outlook of understanding how an enlightened society like Germany could collapse under the pressure of a merciless dictator like Adolf Hitler in 1950. The circumstances that forced people to obey the humiliating authority figures became developed by Stanley Milgram, who extended Adorno's line of research to his new compliance tests. (Milgram, 1974, p. 24).

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Social psychologists also focused their concentration on the control that the faction had on the character. Leon Festinger's assumption of cognitive dissonance was undoubtfully the most significant line of study and theorizing during this period. (Festinger, 1957, p. 44). The theory stressed that people's views and actions were motivated to maintain cognitive reliability. The 1954 U.S. High Court verdict to end the practice of ethnically isolated learning was reasonably based on the research showing how negative is the effect of segregation on self-concept of Black children.

Social psychology's worry with societal injustice, therefore, continued to affirm itself during the 1950s. Gordon Allport provided a hypothetical outline, the character of intolerance, for how desegregation might reduce cultural prejudice in 1954. The communication hypothesis was a familiar mental scheme for decreasing resentment between groups by manipulating situational aspects. Understanding and correcting injustice outlook better fit the behaviorist social psychology practiced in America than the earlier developed dictatorial traits approach. (Becker, 1963, p. 34).

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The relations between the coming of age era and the rapid expansion era are inseparable. The new study facilities, secured government donations, and qualified graduate students from the coming of age era (1936 to 1945) exported their awareness in the rapid expansion era (1946 to 1969). This influenced the growth of speculative research bases in a positive way. Such theories as cognitive dissonance were a result of scientists in hurried expansion era trying to comprehend the war events of the coming of age era and to understand why human acted the way they did. The U.S emerging as the undisputed world power during the coming of age era led to the exportation of social psychology ideologies to the rapid expansion era through its trade connections with other countries.


In conclusion of this chronological framework, scientific discipline is seen as related to a personal life. Equated with other established sciences, social psychology is still evolving and putting into deliberation the newer and advanced ideas, which are remarkably welcome. Psychologists are sure that their evolving science will continue illuminating significant perceptions into how people function as collective creatures.   



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