Peace is a common interest and wish of all people. However, it is not easy to achieve it without understanding and realization what people can do to attain peace. One of the most effective ways of establishing peace is an open communication. Therefore, a mutual dialogue is a chance of solving international, national, and interpersonal tensions. In fact, the dialogue is a highly important for building strong relationships with other nations. However, the main problem is that many people still cannot talk freely about culture, race, religion and other important aspects that have to be accepted in order to reach an understanding between different countries and nations. This paper focuses on the dialogue as the best way of achieving peace and its main aspects of the morality, social, ethnical, and even biological peculiarities.
Gender, race, and class are very important traits of every person that can have a huge influence on someone’s life (Rothman, 2011). Therefore, understanding of such important aspects that form a human being leads to the acceptance of the person. It is critical to consider that there will always be the differences between the representatives of unlike communities. Thus, it is necessary to make collective and individual efforts to accept other groups. Nowadays, many people show a moral protest and thoughts about changing the world. However, the people themselves are usually ignoring these protests, because private life`s pleasures are more comfortable than the world transformations (Jasper, 1997). This is a wrong attitude because everything can be solved through the dialogue.
The dialogue strategy includes several steps. The first step is aimed at forgetting past misunderstandings, quarrels, and bad memories (Ramirez, 2007). Unfortunately, peace can be in conflict with justice because justice might become a form of revenge. For example, in South Africa, it was decided that the attempts to choose the middle way, where the past would not be ignored and the prosecuting would not be a disguised revenge, were taken. Therefore, Mandela created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) the main aim of which was to deal with injustice. The Commission records all the cases. Furthermore, it provides an amnesty in special cases that concern human right violation, rehabilitation, and reparation (Ramirez, 2007). This policy led to the absence of revenge. The TRC provides very successful results and other countries decided to develop the same strategy for solving the mistakes of the previous government in order to resolve the conflicts on peace and justice from the past. Nowadays, almost twelve countries have launched the same human rights commissions (Ramirez, 2007). However, there also are other essential aspects to be addressed.
The next step of the dialogue strategy is the respect of others` opinions. The respectful disagreement is the most important element in the business success, and it forms the constructive debates that usually lead to the most profitable decisions. It is essential to remember that the limitation on the expression and freedom of speech questions the idea of a free world where people can voice their concerns and thoughts. On the contrary, they do not have to be afraid of negative consequences for defending their position. For this reason, it is acceptable to argue during the dialogue, but it has to be based on the mutual respect and non-violence.
Understanding and tolerance in all cases are crucial. The ethnic discrimination is a negative fact that is common in the world. The ethnicity is highly important, but many conflicts were based on this aspect and led to the wars that shocked the international community. The psychological side of this issue is the need of certain individuals to stress the differences between people in an attempt to generalize behaviors and feelings. This position emphasizes people`s weaknesses and defects by projecting the failings of the others. It is how the stereotypes are formed. One of the examples of how people are motivated to dehumanize other people can be shown through the contrasting morals or values. For example, Western people respect freedom and fairness. However, the values of Taliban are so different that, when Western people try to focus on their values, they lose sympathy to this nation (Ramirez, 2007). As the result, people are regarded evil by the Western community because it is difficult to understand how other people can choose such values if they seem to belong to the human beings.
The same situation which challenges the tolerance of others happens with the immigrants. Usually, other people do not support people, who try to start a better life and find a job. Generally, the immigrants provide an economic push for the country where they decided to live by proposing another workforce and conditions. From this point of view, some countries are open to the immigrants because they can guarantee the economic progress due to their arrival to the places where the birth level is extremely low. People of the hostage country are often aggressive toward the immigrants because they tend to think that the strangers steal their job spreading their own traditions. Besides, they are too different. Consequently, people do not learn effectively how to accept the representatives of the other countries, who have their own special traditions, habits, and culture that can be different from the culture and traditions of their community. In fact, to accept and understand does not mean that person will lose own national identity and patriotism. It is vital to realize that the tolerance towards the other countries and nations will lead only to the harmony and peace. Furthermore, tolerance is a great challenge for the society because it requires to show the respect to the other people and their dignity. Only this attitude expressed through the dialogue will lead to the prosperity and harmony.
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Another stage in the dialogue strategy is the better knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Cultures cannot be explained as something single because it is a complex definition that includes religion, language history, traditions, and customs. People can believe that the cultures cannot have such great influence, but this position is wrong because the cultures have a great impact on the people`s development. Understanding and learning other religions, race, and languages do not have to force people to betray or ignore own religion or traditions (Giroux, 1993). Such attitude only will help to understand other people better and to express tolerance towards their traditions and positions. One of the brightest examples was Ford Mondeo’s failure of equalization or universalization of different countries cultures. His main goal was to design the cars in the universal style to meet the expectations of all the nations. However, he failed and, in the result, those cars were not accepted abroad, because of the different preferences and tendencies people pursued there. Therefore, in Germany, Ford`s cars were considered as the middle class, and people continued to buy more luxury cars. In the USA, such cars were considered too small, and people decided not to change and kept buying big cars (Ramirez, 2007). Therefore, the main point is that it is important to consider the differences between cultures because it is impossible to universalize all the cultures of the world. Hence, it is crucial to learn other cultures and traditions, to accept them, and to express the tolerance through the dialogue.
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One of the most effective ways of achieving peace can be a dialogue. This decision includes several stages that have to be considered. Firstly, the respect to other nations and culture should be established. Secondly, it is important to forgive the past mistakes. After, people should understand and tolerate the other nations and cultures. Finally, the knowledge of others` traditions, language and cultures should be gathered. By considering all these aspects, it is possible through the dialogue to avoid many conflicts and mistakes and attain peace in the world.
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