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Persuasion, Minimum Wage, and HR Law

In the course of our company's history, we have always been the first within the industry, and all of us know the reason for this. It is due to the technological advancements that the executives successfully use. On the one hand, new technologies helped establish the production of goods with the minimal expenses and maximum profits. Consequently, this made a great contribution to the level of salaries our employees have obtained. On the other hand, the quality of the final product has increased manifold because of the technological intervention into the production process. Thus, the company's heads and managers are focused on further technical development and change within our organization and you, employees, are expected to show your interest and engagement in this process as well. The number of benefits is supposed to meet the highest staff expectations.

Certainly, some of you might hypothetically be afraid of new technological innovations in the organization since they threat with the loss of working places, rise of the demands for staff members and enhanced control over the working process. In fact, this is not and this cannot be true. We do care about each of our employees and will not let anybody feel left. Of course, some positions currently occupied by workers are to be substituted by the smart technologies. Still, the organization takes this into consideration and provides new, often higher, positions for all the employees, whose field of expertise will be replaced by the new working mechanisms. Additionally, the nature of work within our organization is expected to become easier by the moment the new machinery is installed. This fact will result in two substantial advantages. On the one hand, the number of working hours may be reduced by 2 or 3 to add more spare time for the employees. Thus, as a consequence, the workers will get an opportunity to rest more and spend their free time with their families. On the other hand, the fatigue and exhaustion typical for our manufacturing process will be reduced because the majority of tasks will be performed by the new mechanisms as soon as they are implemented in the production cycle. As a consequence, to get the same salary for the work, employees will work less and experience less exhaustion at the end of the day.


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As a proof or evidence of the upcoming positive changes, we can mention that according to numerous investigations, the aforementioned innovations may dramatically change the way we used to work before. For example, Malcolm and Hartley (2010) believe that extra free time employees can obtain will motivate them to work better. However, it does not actually mean that you will need to work more. Langner and Hennigs (2013), similarly, argue that the implementation of innovative technologies into the working and production cycles may play an important role by giving employees more benefits than they used to have before. Finally, Gorry (2013) makes an emphasis on the fact that a proper introduction of technological changes to the production cycle will let HR managers give more incentives to the workers. Thus, this will stimulate better work with the less effort.

In conclusion, dear audience, we strongly believe that the technological advancements we plan to implement in the foreseeable future will motivate you more than represent any kind of threat to your salaries or occupation. Soon you will start participating in the training aimed at proving there are numerous advantages of the brand-new work format. We sincerely hope that the changes of the technological nature will bring prosperity both to you and our organization.



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